
The man is very well spoken and it seems like he has a lot of experience. Overall, I think this video really tells people how photography is something bigger than just taking picture  he makes it feel like its a moment connected. The man shares his life experiences and tries to go along with them to go in a deeper meaning with what he was sharing I really liked how he started off the video by showing off the most iconic pictures there are out there at the moment. It shows the audience the different styles of photos and photographers with these different styles of photography.

favorite teacher

my favorite teacher is Mrs. Cauchon. her class is always enjoyable, and it feels like i have a lot of freedom when it comes to assignments. she always creates a positive environment and is there to help if needed. i like shooting for the assignment (when needed) and i feel like i learn a lot. I’m not very enthusiastic for most of my classes but i do really like this one I’ve never really had any hobby’s but taking photos is very enjoyable for me so i appreciate the opportunities this class provides.


gel critique


the lady in the portrait has a lot of personality, she seems very confident and outgoing. i can tell this because of the way she positioned and her bright smile.